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Maiden of Vigilance - BETA  


Estimable Member Admin
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Posts: 107
07/04/2017 11:35 am  

Charged by Aegwynn to defend the Tomb of Sargeras, the Maiden of Vigilance has stood watch for thousands of years. Yet, the guardian did not forsee what effect the avatar's seeping fel energy would have on this titan construct. Slowly warped by this maleficence, the Maiden now seeks to destroy any in her path.

  • Overview – The Maiden of Vigilance has been partially corrupted by the Legion, and wields both Holy and Fel magic in equal proportion.
    Periodically, all players will be infused with either [Light Infusion] or [Fel Infusion]. When players with opposing auras move too close together, the magics within them will react, triggering [Unstable Soul].
    [Unstable Soul] is also triggered by touching Fragments or taking damage from Hammers of an opposite element from your Infusion.

    In Mythic difficulty, Fragments not collected by players will trigger [Fragment Burst].

  • DeadlyUnstable Soul – Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target explodes, inflicting 1397500 Fire damage to all allies. The target and allies within 5 yards will also be knocked back.
  • DeadlyUnstable Soul – Inflicts 508750 to 591250 Fire damage every 2 sec. After 8 sec the target will explode, inflicting 1182500 Fire damage. The target and allies within 5 yds will also be knocked back.
  • Aegwynn's Ward – An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies.
  • Aegwynn's Ward – An ancient ward protecting the deepest reaches of the tomb prevents Unstable Soul explosions from affecting allies.
  • Fragment Burst – When a Fragment of Obliteration or Creation travels its full distance it explodes, inflicting 1480000 to 1720000 damage to all players.

Stage One: Divide and Conquer

The Maiden of Vigilance infuses and hammers her enemies with both Holy and Fel magic.

Stage Two: Watcher's Wrath

The Maiden of Vigilance jumps away, shields herself, and buffets the raid with Fragments of Creation and Obliteration.

Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 87
09/04/2017 9:35 am  

