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[Sticky] Trial of valor Normal/Heroic Boss Guides.  


Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 107
24/03/2017 12:59 pm  



Normal =

phase 1 :

- Damage Hymdall and Hyrja to 25% health within 10 seconds of one another to progress into phase 2.

- Keep Hymdall and Hyrja at least 35 yards away from one another.

- Everyone needs to be spread 5 yards to avoid taking extra splash damage from Hymdall's Horn of Valor.

- Have as many people as possible stand within the Shield of Light to help reduce the damage and knockback from the ability.

- Move away from the Dancing Blade.

- Move away from the group if afflicted with Expel Light.

- When Odyn casts Draw Power, quickly move the Valarjar Runebearers to their matching rune and slay them on it to disable the rune, lowering the damage of Unerring Blast.

Phase 2 :

- Tanks need to switch who is tanking Odyn frequently to keep Odyn's Test stacks to a minimum (around 10-14 stacks).

- Avoid the incoming Spear of Light impact zones and the Glowing Fragments that shoot out of them.

- When Odyn casts Draw Power, quickly move the Valarjar Runebearers to their matching rune and slay them on it to disable the rune, lowering the damage of Unerring Blast.

- Keep Odyn 35 yards away from Hymdall or Hyrja whilst they are active, and have all DPS focus them down.

Phase 3 :

- Bloodlust/Timewarp/ Heroism should be used during this phase when it aligns with DPS cooldowns.

- Tanks need to move as far away from Odyn as possible when afflicted with Stormforged Spear. The other tank should taunt during this time to keep Odyn still and be ready to receive the next.

- Place the Storm of Justice debuffs at the sides of the room, or in areas of the room that will not hinder player movement.

- Move out of the Cleansing Flame effect covering two thirds of the room and be ready to move to a new clear area when the previously clear area gets covered.

- Healers should be wary of ever increasing ticking damage coming from Odyn's Arcing Storm and should use cooldowns accordingly.


Apart from abilities dealing more damage in comparison to Normal Mode, no differences are listed in the Dungeon Journal for phase 1. In phase 2 there is one major change. Frequently throughout phase 2, Hymdall and Hyrja will take turns at entering the encounter area and they maintain their 2 unique abilities.


- Expel Light - Avoid the debuff expiring on top of other raid members.

- Shield of Light - Stand within the beam to split the damage with everyone hit.


- Dancing Blade - Move from it.

- Horn of Valor - Be 15 yards away from Hymdall and at least 5 yards from other raid members.

They also maintain the Valarjar's Bond damage reduction aura, which now applies to Odyn.

- Tanks will need to tank Odyn and the Miniboss at least 35 yards away from one another so that the DPS can continue to deal damage to both of them.

- The tanks will need to swap roles on a frequent basis to keep Odyn's Test stacks to a minimum.

Both Hymdall and Hyrja will leave the encounter area when brought below 85% health. It is therefore high priority that all DPS should focus them down below 85% health in order to keep the encounter under control. The only time DPS should not be damaging the active 'Miniboss' is when a new wave of Valarjar Runebearers come in.



- Split your raid into three groups and have each group soak one of the elemental breaths when Guardian's Breath is cast. Each player will need to soak that same elemental breath type for the rest of the encounter.

- Ranged players need to remain spread 5 yards at all times to minimize the effects of Guardian Licks abilities.

- Healers need to make sure they dispel the Frost Lick stun and heal up the Shadow Lick healing absorption shield.

- The raid should position so that the ranged players are at least 25 yards in front of Guarms face, with the melee DPS stacked up behind him. This will reduce the effect of his Flashing Fangs.

- Tanks need to remain stacked on top of one another to spread the damage of Multi-headed.

- Everyone needs to move out of the way of the Headlong Charge and the tanks need to be ready to quickly position Guarm afterwards, ready for the next Guardian's Breath or Flashing Fangs.

- Melee DPS should remain stacked up during Roaring Leap to ensure that the boss will jump onto them, rather than the ranged players.

- Have BIG DPS - Kill Guarm within 5 minutes!



Normal =

Phase 1 :

- Make sure a tank is always within melee range to counteract Corrosive Nova.

- Be spread for when the Orb of Corruption is cast and have the fixated players kite the orbs away from the raid.

- Quickly dispel the Taint of the Sea debuff and move out of the Tainted Essence it leaves on the ground.

- Have the majority of the raid, or a single player with an immunity, soak the slam from the Tentacle Strike to avoid Tentacle Slam from wiping the raid.

- Face Helya towards one side of the room for the Bilewater Breath, make sure that no Bilewater Slimes spawn on the elevated sections of the platform.

- Have tanks switch who is tanking Helya after each Bilewater Breath.

- Have all DPS focus down the Bilewater Slimes to reduce the severity of Bilewater Liquefaction.

- Make sure no Bilewater Slimes are active before transitioning at 65% health.

Phase 2 :

- Move as a single unit to an elevated platform during the Fury of the Maw waves.

- Tank the Night Watch Mariner and Grimelord slightly apart from one another to allow melee DPS to focus down the Night Watch Mariner without having to move from the Grimelord's abilities.

- Kill off the Night Watch Mariner before the Lantern of Darkness is cast, whilst having the tank use active mitigation during his Ghostly Rage. Ranged players should also move out of the Give No Quarter cast.

- Move away from the Grimelord during his Sludge Nova and have the tank use large damage reductions for the Anchor Slam.

- Move 5 yards away from your allies when Fetid Rot is going to time out, to prevent it from spreading to them.

- Group up, crowd control and kill the Decaying Minions. Make sure they die on the lower sections of the room, so that the Decay they leave is washed away by the Fury of the Maw waves.

- Kill off all 9 Gripping Tentacles spread around the edges of the encounter area to progress into phase 3.

Phase 3 :

- Group up, crowd control and kill the Decaying Minions, make sure they die on the lower sections of the room so that the Decay they leave is washed away by a Fury of the Maw wave. It is also important they die close together so you can maximize the amount of room the raid has.

- Kill off the Night Watch Mariner before the Lantern of Darkness is cast, whilst having the tank use active mitigation during his Ghostly Rage. Ranged player should also move out of the Give No Quarter cast.

- Be spread for when the Orb of Corrosion is cast and have the fixated players kite the orbs around the edges of the room. Keep the patches of Decay they leave in their wake close together to maximise the room the raid has.

- Use a healing cooldown when the Fury of the Maw wave washes across the encounter area. Alternatively, avoid the damage it deals by moving to an elevated platform.

- Make sure a tank is always in melee range of Helya to prevent her from casting Corrosive Nova.

- Face the Corrupted Breath away from the raid.

- Tanks should switch after each Corrupted Breath to mitigate the effects of Dark Hatred.

- Use Bloodlust/Timewarp/ Heroism during this phase when dps cooldowns align.

Heroic =

Apart from abilities dealing more damage in comparison to Normal Mode, no differences are listed in the Dungeon Journal for phase 1 & 2. In phase 3, the Corrupted Breath will send out several bolts within the cone of the breath called Corrupted Axions.

- When these bolts land they will each deal a large amount of damage to the raid and apply a large healing absorption shield on each player for 30 seconds.

- If a player soaks the Corrupted Axion bolt, they will take the damage and healing absorption shield instead.

- To counter this, you want to have the tank face Helya to one side of the room, whilst taking care to make sure that all bolts will land on the lower parts of the encounter area.

- As soon as the breath has ended, players should enter that area and make sure that all Corrupted Axions are soaked. If this is not done, the combined damage of all Corrupted Axions will annihilate the raid.


Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 87
24/03/2017 2:27 pm  

Thanks again matey....
