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Beast Master 101  


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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16
27/02/2017 9:15 pm  

Hey there,

I am currently a Beast Master as my main spec / class in legion at ilvl 892 and this is a post to go through what I know about the basics of BM hunter.

Firstly, be proud that you are the easiest class in the game! who cares if you could play Survival and do all this dot management thing, BM is simple and quite potent  too. Beast Master specialises in AoE (area of effect) cleave damage and is one of the big boys when it comes to pulling big packs of adds, around 60% of your damage will come from your pet and you are the only range class in the game who has the ability to move whilst fighting (besides perhaps somewhat Affliction Warlock) this is mainly the reason why the spec is considered easy as in raiding environments you can simply dodge a nasty boss mechanic and not lose any damage whatsoever. You have two great movement abilities Disengage and Aspect of the Cheetah (AotC) use these when you need to move quickly to reposition yourself. As a BM hunter you will only have one defensive cool down, Aspect of the Turtle (AotT) this is a great defensive as it will provide a small heal and make you take highly reduced damage, in most raid groups AotT is used to soak boss mechanics which deal damage split amongst players so is very useful.

Now BM's single target damage is quite good as well, they are almost inter-changeable:

Rotations (basic)
Your abilities are:
Aspect of the Wild (AotW) Buff
Bestial Wrath (BW) Buff
Cobra shot (Cs)
Kill Command (KC)
Dire Beast (DB)
Multi shot (Ms)
Titan's Thunder (TT)
Murder of Crows (MoC) (always active if taken)
Volley (always active if taken)

The rotation is a priority order of use, and goes as follows:
DB > KC > Cs
The idea is to use Dire Beast whenever it is available, and then Kill Command in the same fashion, only use Cobra shot / Multi shot if you have 90 or more focus so that you have enough focus to use Kill Command as soon as it comes off cooldown.
Murder of Crows should be used on your main target whenever it is available (60 second cool down)
Titan's Thunder has a long cool down and should only be used after you cast Dire Beast however the damage is very low so this is not much of a problem

When do I decide to use my AoE rotation?

The only difference from your single target rotation is that you use Multi shot instead of Cobra shot and you should start to do this once you have two or more targets within the range of your pets auto attacks as using Multi shot will apply a buff called Beast Cleave to your pet making it do 100% of it's basic attack damage to all surrounding enemies, you will continue to use Dire Beast as a priority. Once you have four or more targets you should STOP using Kill Command as the focus that is costs is better using on an extra Multi shot. Another small thing is to make sure you only Multi shot every three to four seconds as this is the up-time of Beast Cleave on your pet.

That concludes the basics to Beast Master Hunter, if you have any questions about this please message me:
IGN = Sagittarial-Hellscream = Blobsplosion#2928

Trusted Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 87
27/02/2017 9:39 pm  

Very nice post Ryan, well done mate!  I now want to play my hunter again 🙁  (grats on being the first to hopefully lead the way for other to post helpful info)

Active Member Raiders
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27/02/2017 10:36 pm  

Well done mate

Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 107
28/02/2017 9:01 am  

God you could have put a bit more effort into that post hehe 😛 jokes mate nice post I hope it helps the other BM Hunters out 🙂 

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01/03/2017 9:48 am  

nice one 🙂

Eminent Member
Joined: 8 years ago
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01/03/2017 3:41 pm  

Nice informative post hope this will help some ppl out struggling with beast master.

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10/03/2017 2:10 pm  

Is there a 'best' pet to use?

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Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 16
10/03/2017 5:31 pm  
Posted by: Barnus


Is there a 'best' pet to use?


Yes and No really,
No there is no best pet because your pets have 3 specs: Tenacity (Tank) Cunning (dps) and Ferocity (dps), for world PvE spec your pet into Tenacity whilst for pure damage output use a Ferocity pet. It does not matter which pet you use anymore as pets no longer grant specific player buffs based on species so generally go with whatever goes with your transmog set, However if you have the legendary Beast Master ring, your pets do 5% more damage and gain the abilities of all 3 pet specs, you can increase your pets dps output by switching it to Tenacity (Tank) as this provides you with 1 extra ability, although this will only account to about 10,000 dps at the most.
